I’m going to start with a little back story on how we got to where we are today with BubblesMakeHimSmile.com.
A little over a year ago I was listening to The Kid Carson Show on Vancouver’s #1 Hit Music Station, The Beat 94.5, and they had a guest on the show named Dr. Tasreen Alibhai, a naturopathic doctor, talking about the 10 things you need to know to start as you start the new year and tackle New Years resolutions. Her concepts sounded so motivating and I wanted to know more about her practice so I went to her website, Vitalia Health Care, and the very first thing that caught my eye on her website were the words: Autism Treatment.
I knew there wasn’t a cure for autism, but treatable? I never heard of anyone using the words ‘Autism Treatment’ before as Bryce’s diagnosis was always labeled as ‘manageable’. I was intrigued.
That was when we discovered the Defeat Autism Now! (DAN) protocols and naturopathic therapies to improve the various functions that affect autism with bio-medical approaches including diet and nutrition, detoxification, and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT).
At Vitalia Health Care, we know that autism can be treated. We provide a full range of bio-medical services that can help heal the underlying problems so your child can have a fuller, healthier life.
We made an appointment with Dr. Alibhai to learn more about this type of therapy for our son. During our consultation she answered all of our questions and gave us a ton of information about the bio-medical approach. She also recommended to run a series of tests, to screen for food sensitivities, and to have 60 sessions of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). With not much success in traditional therapies, this was something that we were definitely wanting to try, but the costs of the HBOT was more than we could ever afford.
And that is how our website, BubblesMakeHimSmile.com, came about.
We created this blog on March 16th, 2010 to generate more autism awareness, to share our lives and experiences as people who love someone with autism, and to raise money for the Bubbles Make Him Smile Therapy Fund for 60 HBOT sessions. As of the date this blog was posted, we were at $6,118.
Dr. Alibhai contacted us a couple days ago, almost a year to the day of our consultation with her. She told us she was contacted by Jasper Steed from Autism Smiles LLC who advocated our cause, and discussed the work that we have done over the past year raising funds and promoting autism acceptance and awareness and asked if there was anything that she could do to help us out. She asked if we could come to her office for a complimentary consultation with Dr. Jordan Atkinson, follow up on Bryce’s health and progress, and start the HBOT sessions.
During our appointment we saw Dr. Alibhai and she announced that the Canadian Hyperbaric Institute would like to donate $2,016 worth of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (equivalent to 15 sessions) for Bryce. This would reduce our original goal of $7,560 down to only needing $6048 which allowed us to start the therapy.
We are extremely excited to announce that Bryce will be starting Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Saturday, April 16th, 2011!
We’d like to thank everyone who donated to the Bubbles Make Him Smile Therapy Fund to help raise money for Bryce’s Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy sessions. We’d also like to thank the generous donation from Dr. Tasreen Alibhai of the Canadian Hyperbaric Institute.
We’re finally doing it!
We will be documenting this whole HBOT experience and sharing pictures, videos, and reporting everything we can on our blog, Facebook, and Twitter.
Thanks for reading,
Bryce, Tanaya, and Daniel
To learn more about Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) to treat autism, please visit Vitalia Health Care.
Oh such wonderful news! Congratulations!
ReplyHappy AUTISM Awareness Month! Thank you for sharing inspirational blogs about Bryce and smiley bubbles.
Reply@Lori-ann Thanks Lori, we are extremely excited!