As a mother, I will never give up on my child. As a mother of a child who has autism, I will never give up hope.
I look into his eyes and I see all the potential that he has to offer to this beautiful world and I just know that one day the world can see what I see.

Follow my blog as I share my life and my experiences as a person who loves someone with autism.

Showing posts with label autism awareness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label autism awareness. Show all posts

Thursday, April 30, 2015

The perfect ending to #AutismAwareness month!

Recently we celebrated autism awareness at a Starbucks in downtown Squamish, British Columbia, Canada.

While we were there I was interviewed by a reporter from The Squamish Chief newspaper and shared some of my stories. Today the newspaper came out and look who is all smiles in the picture for the article!

The Squamish Chief newspaper - '‘He just has autism – you don’t need to be afraid’

You can read the article here.

I’d like to thank Jennifer Thuncher of the Squamish Chief for taking the time during her day off and coming out to the event to show her support, as well as David Buzzard for taking a great photo!

This was a perfect ending to autism awareness month!

Thanks for reading,

Friday, April 24, 2015

Teach. Love. Inspire. Hope.

Today we celebrated autism awareness at a Starbucks in downtown Squamish, British Columbia, Canada.

There was a table set up where you could colour an autism awareness ribbon, get your face painted by Brazen Pirate Face Painting, or learn more about autism from the team at Autism Society of British Columbia.

Bryce was all smiles as he was getting a blue puzzle piece painted on his arm (with glitter!) Thanks, Lizzy the Pirate from Brazen Pirate Face Painting.

It was really nice talking to everyone from Autism Society of British Columbia. They are an incredibly awesome team to have at any event to help promote autism awareness. They provided a ton of information and are just real people who understand autism and are there for you and your community.

Thank you, Starbucks, for hosting this event and bringing your community together in support of autism awareness!!!!!

I want you to know that it is absolutely beautiful that you were willing to TEACH your community about autism awareness, acceptance, and understanding. How much you LOVE and support your community enough to do this for them and hopefully INSPIRE many more autism awareness events throughout your community. And I personally HOPE this is something you will continue every year.

Always fight for what you believe! Always be the best advocate for your child! Always make things right!

Thanks for reading,

Check out our Facebook page for more pictures.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Students show support for classmate with autism

I have never been worried about Bryce being teased or bullied in school. He has always been very loved and cared about by his support staff, his teachers, his classmates, and his school.

Today just proved to me how much they cared.

We arrived a little late to school.

When we walked into Bryce’s classroom we were immediately showered by bubbles that his classmates were blowing. His teacher, support staff, and classmates were even wearing blue t-shirts to show their support in honour of autism awareness month. And there was a box of Timbits donuts from Tim Hortons sitting on his desk.

I couldn’t stop smiling.

Thank you, with all my heart, to everyone who was involved in making Bryce feel accepted. It means a lot to me.

Thanks for reading,

Friday, April 17, 2015

“A future of inclusion and acceptance for our autistic children”

A future of inclusion and acceptance for our autistic children.
- The Autism Directory’s vision

This starts with educating people about autism. Better understanding of autism leads to more accepting of autism.

The Autism Directory created a free short Autism Awareness Training presentation for individuals and organizations alike to share and raise awareness and understanding of autism.

It also shows how to communicate with individuals with autism and recognize and understand their behaviours.

It is a great tool for anyone wanting to learn more about autism and become autism friendly.

The Autism Directory is run by parents of children with autism. When they were given the diagnosis they were completely unaware about autism. They knew very little about it, what caused it, or what they could do to help their children. They felt isolated and alone.


The Autism Directory was created because parents should not feel that they are alone. There is help and support out there, but if people don’t know what or where it is, how to access it, then it is of no benefit to them.

We expected a society that understood, but did not anticipate the lack of awareness, often ignorance, that we would have to put up with every day.

A future of inclusion and acceptance for our autistic children.
- The Autism Directory’s vision

Thanks for reading,

The Autism Directory is an online directory website that aims to pull together the help and support that is out there and signpost autism families to the help they need. For more information please visit The Autism Directory.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Celebrating Autism Awareness at #CANFamFest

Today we celebrated autism awareness at the 4th annual Canucks Autism Network Family Festival at Jack Poole Plaza in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It’s a family friendly event that welcomes everyone in the community.

My mom, sister, and her girlfriend joined us this year to show their support, and of course we brought our bubble blowers!

The event included the lighting of the Olympic Cauldron, a Family Fun Zone with special guest appearances, face painting, a photo booth, an exhibitor and sponsor fair, a BBQ lunch hosted by Moderne Burger and Myrtle’s Famous Hot Dogs, and the CAN Family Festival Walk. We even got the opportunity to meet Trevor Linden who is a retired Canadian hockey player and current president of the Vancouver Canucks.

There was live entertainment featuring musical performances by Juno award winning, children’s performer, Charlotte Diamond, and the Neil Diamond tribute band, Nearly Neil.

It honestly felt like there was a lot less people attending this year than last year, but the dark clouds and light rain didn’t dampen those that were there. The Canucks Autism Network throws a great community party! The Bubbles Make Him Smile family had a great time and already can’t wait for next year!

Check out our Facebook page for more pictures! Oh, and if you took pictures of our bubbles please feel free to share them on our Facebook page too! :)

Thanks for reading,
Tanaya and Bryce

The Canucks Autism Network provides year-round, innovative, high quality sports, recreational, social, and employment related programs for individuals and families living with autism, while building awareness and capacity through community networks across British Columbia.

For more information please visit Canucks Autism Network.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Starbucks, Make This Right. (UPDATED)

April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day.

It is a day recognized worldwide with the ‘Light It Up Blue’ campaign by Autism Speaks, where thousands of iconic landmarks, businesses, communities, schools, and homes unite by shining bright blue lights in honor of the millions of individuals and families across the globe that are affected by autism.

So on April 2nd, 2015, a Starbucks partner (employee) in Squamish, British Columbia, Canada, whose child was recently diagnosed with autism, wanted to show her support and celebrate World Autism Awareness Day at her workplace. She decorated the store with blue balloons and blue pompoms to help bring autism awareness to their customers and their community.


Later that day, their location had visitors from Starbucks Canada head office. After the visit, she received a phone call from the District Manager informing her that the Regional Director Operations told her to take down the decorations:

It looks tacky. It wasn’t done properly. Take it down.

Her response:

The blue was for World Autism Awareness Day’s Autism Speaks ‘Light It Up Blue’ campaign and our store wanted to show support for myself and my son who was recently diagnosed with autism, as well as show our support for our community.

District Managers response:

You’re not listening.

Her response:

No. I heard you. I’ll take it down.

How could someone, let alone someone from a company that is “all about community” and “being good neighbors” have the nerve to say that autism awareness is tacky!?

The definition of tacky is ‘showing poor taste and quality.’

Here’s a picture of the decorations she put up. Does this look like ‘showing poor taste and quality’ to you?

I am sorry that the blue balloons and blue pompoms didn’t match your décor, Starbucks, but this was about bringing awareness to autism in your community, in your neighbourhood. Isn’t that what you’re company claims to be all about?

Every store is part of a community, and we take our responsibility to be good neighbors seriously. We want to be invited in wherever we do business. We can be a force for positive action – bringing together our partners, customers, and the community to contribute every day. Now we see that our responsibility – and our potential for good – is even larger. The world is looking to Starbucks to set the new standard, yet again. We will lead.
- excerpt from Starbucks Canada’s Mission Statement

And to say that “it wasn’t done properly”? The reason we ‘Light It Up Blue’ is because it starts the discussion about autism.

The customers have been asking questions [about the blue decorations] and we have been getting great feedback!
- a Starbucks partner (employee)

Well guess what, Starbucks? I guess it was done properly and successfully because the blue decorations did get your customers talking about autism.

Are the blue balloons for autism? This is great! I’ve been teaching children with autism for 12 years.
- Starbucks customer

Why the blue balloons? World Autism Awareness Day? This is wonderful! More people need to know about this!
- Starbucks customer

As a mother who loves someone with autism and as an autism advocate, I was completely disgusted and furious when I heard this from my sister who lives in Squamish.

I wanted to meet this mom and show my support. So I contacted her and she agreed to meet and share her story. I wanted her to know that she wasn’t alone, that this was wrong, and something had to be done. This is exactly why autism awareness is needed.

I really believe that Starbucks owes an apology to all the families, in Squamish, their community, living with autism, to all of the families, in the World, their neighbourhood, living with autism, and especially to their partner (employee) and her child with autism, who spent the remainder of her day at work in silence and sadness because they took away the one day that we get to shine a bright light on autism.

Autism awareness is not “tacky.”

Starbucks, make this right.

Thanks for reading,

Edit: I’d like to add that this store often participates in local and world wide events, fundraisers, and awareness causes, and the partners (employees) have the flexibility to support and decorate the store to promote such campaigns so this wasn’t about permission.

UPDATE (April 23rd, 2015): The District Manager of this location left a comment at the bottom of this blog post denying everything:

Starbucks response to 'Starbucks, Make This Right.'

Wanting to hear his side of the story, and get some questions answered, I took him up on his offer. I sent him an email that same day and posted it as a reply in the comments below as well:

Bubbles Make Him Smile response to Starbucks, Make This Right

When I didn’t hear from him after a couple of days, I sent a follow up email from a different e-mail address incase my original e-mail went to his junk folder. I received an auto-reply response that he was out of the office until X day. So after that day, I followed up again, and got another auto-reply response that he was out of the office until X day again.

As of this update, I have not received a response from him.

UPDATE (April 23rd, 2015): The store is hosting an autism awareness event Friday, April 24th, 2015 from 2pm to 5pm in honour of Autism Awareness month. I’m not sure of all the particulars because they haven’t publicized it very well (no offense), but from my understanding there’s going to a representative from Autism Society of British Columbia to answer any questions people may have and provide information about autism to the community as well as some children’s activities and face painting.

I hope this is Starbucks making this right.

UPDATE (April 24th, 2015): Thank you, Starbucks, for hosting this event and bringing your community together in support of autism awareness!!!!!

I want you to know that it is absolutely beautiful that you were willing to TEACH your community about autism awareness, acceptance, and understanding. How much you LOVE and support your community enough to do this for them and hopefully INSPIRE many more autism awareness events throughout your community. And I personally HOPE this is something you will continue every year.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Ten things every autism parent wishes you knew

I saw this posted in a local autism moms support group I’m in on Facebook and I absolutely loved it and asked to share. Enjoy!

I wrote a little while ago to demystify how others might be able to help parents of kiddos with autism. I really wish it was called Autism Action Month instead of awareness because with 1/68 kids affected, I think we are long past spreading awareness and need to get our asses in gear. Anyway, my article may be a little cantankerous and definitely may not apply to every parent (should change the title) but I hope you’ll read or share or think about it.
- Sherri Brown

I Love Someone With Autism

Ten things every autism parent wishes you knew
by Sherri Brown
  1. My child is not ‘suffering from autism’, they are living with it. Much as we all live with our own conditions and idiosyncrasies, my child lives with autism as one part of who he is. Please do not offer your pity or apologies; I am not sad for me; I am blessed to have this child to love and raise.
  2. Because my child is the sum of multiple parts, his/her autism is merely one. Please do not focus so exclusively on this one part that your concern with him or communication with me is dominated by that attention. Please try to focus on my child’s abilities, not their disability.
  3. The adage of ‘when you’ve met one child with autism, you’ve met one child with autism’ should be noted and respected. Although your neighbour’s daughter’s best friend may have autism, your comparisons, anecdotes, or supply of analytics might seem to offer an opportunity to relate, but I, in fact, rarely benefit from this exchange (see #5 for more info). Questions, offers of support, or tangible supports are most badly needed and appreciated.
  4. If you wish to learn more about my child’s disorder, please do so through the kind medium of questions. And when you ask questions, please listen supportively to my responses. I’ve spent a great deal of time learning about my child’s disorder and ‘quick fixes’ or ‘did-you-read-this-latest -article’ suggestions must be tempered by an understanding that the odds are a parent of a child with ASD has read, considered, and/or tried multiple treatment approaches or resources. Ultimately, like any other person dealing with a health issue, it can be intensely personal. You might not appreciate me sending you articles or relaying stories on diabetes, erectile dysfunction, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, etc., if you or a close family member were living with one of these conditions/disorders.
  5. I understand that #s 1-4 may be interpreted as a lack of gratitude, or worse, willful ignorance to a massive volume of information on autism. So, I ask that you bear with us as people who are living in a vexing reality of information deficit/surplus. We know a lot about autism, yet sometimes it feels as though we know very little about our child. What will their futures look like? Is this the right treatment approach? Am I overloading my child with too much therapy? My list of questions primarily relates to my unique child and not to the latest therapy or diet. Equally, the story about your neighbour’s daughter’s best friend may be fascinating, but given the multiplicity of ASD expressions and trajectories, I likely am not able to link that story to my own child and it can actually be painful to hear.
  6. If you wish to help my child, whether a friend, family member or service provider, please do not ignore me in the process. I am this child’s primary support system and we both wish to be treated with respect, with kindness, and with concern as to our day-to-day needs and experiences.
  7. If you wish to help, please ask me how you can be of help. I often dozens of ways that you can help including anything from the mundane to the complex. And sometimes, I may not need or desire help. Your offer, though, is appreciated so much; more than you know. I also promise to do my very best to make time for you when you need support, too.
  8. 8. Instead of #7, and you actually endeavour or serve to be a hindrance, an obstacle, a judgemental or ignorant ass, a know-it-all, a belligerent bureaucrat, an evader, or any other manner of person that makes my child’s life and learning that much more difficult, I will absolutely come at you with every resource, advocacy strategy, and support person that I can muster. We can have a relationship based on mutual respect and kindness or you can suffer the wrath of an autism parent. It’s your choice.
  9. I am still me, and I am not just the parent of a child with autism. I deeply appreciate any reminders from you about this, including offers to socialize, questions about jobs, vacations, or hopes for the future, and during rare opportunities to just spend time together. I thank you for your friendship. I aim to provide you with the same reminders on the wonderful youness of you.
  10. My family is different, not less. I ask that you appreciate our uniqueness, ask questions where you do not understand, and forgive us our harried sleep-deprived constitutions. Your typical child may not- on the surface - get much out of a playdate with our child, but I promise you that we are each teaching our children the extremely valuable lesson of ‘different, not less’.

Thank you so very much.

To learn more about Sherri Brown please visit Project Bearings. Project Bearings provides a place to discuss advocacy and navigational concerns with respect to autism spectrum disorder and developmental disabilities.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

This picture is a face of Autism.

A friend of mine posted this on Facebook and I thought it was perfectly said and asked to share.

Today is April 2. It is also Autism Awareness Day. Of course since Miss Wow came into my life, this has become a significant day for our whole family. I won’t state stats at you. I won’t reiterate what is autism. I will simply say the following few things:

This picture is a face of Autism. And it is the most awesome face I have ever seen.

I love my kid. Simply because she is my world and cause she is an amazing personality.

Anyone who choses not to accept her or others like her, will be missing out on all their wonderfulness. That is sad for them.

This kid will rule the world. Or least the space she is in I have no doubt.

She will continue to be happy, healthy and whole - and that is all that truly matters.

(And if you hurt her in any way, you will understand the term "Mama Bear" in a whole new way.)
- Anita Helser

Light It Up Blue #LIUB for World Autism Awareness Day #WAAD

Today is World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD).

World Autism Awareness Day is a day to rally people around the world to raise awareness about a disorder that impacts 1 in 68 children. This is your opportunity to get your family, friends, and workplace on board to draw attention to the needs of those affected by autism and to educate people on what autism is.

Our hope is that this one day will spark increased awareness and support for autism year-round. WAAD may just be one day... but autism is a lifelong disorder that needs attention the other 364 days of the year.
- Autism Speaks Canada

In honor of people with autism worldwide, iconic landmarks, hotels, sporting venues, concert halls, museums, schools, universities, bridges, retail stores, and thousands of homes will light blue beginning today.

This year we've joined Autism Speaks Canada’s ‘Light It Up Blue’ (LIUB) online campaign and had a photo shoot! Sometimes It’s hard for Bryce to make eye contact and smile for the camera, so just taking one picture isn’t always easy, instead, we take a bunch! Here’s the results of our little photo shoot of selfies in honour of World Autism Awareness Day!

We’ve also turned our Facebook and Twitter pages blue today in celebration of WAAD! Find out how you can too and Light It Up Blue!

Find out how you can Light It Up Blue and help spread autism awareness throughout your community!

Thanks for reading,
Tanaya and Bryce

P.S. Whether or not you support Autism Speaks organizations, this month and this campaign, is all about raising autism awareness and it starts with conversation. This month more than anything else is when the media and social media starts the discussion and ‘'blue’ gets people talking about autism which leads to understanding and acceptance and THAT is what Autism Awareness month is all about.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Documenting our life with autism in honour of Autism Awareness Month

April is Autism Awareness month and throughout this month we’re going to be documenting our lives with autism and sharing it with you all.

Our life isn’t that exciting, I don’t have fancy camera equipment, and I honestly don’t know how it will turn out, or what the end result will be, but I hope it helps give people a better understanding of autism.

Please follow us on Facebook or Twitter for updates on our video and little snippets here and there.

Thanks for reading,
Tanaya and Bryce

To learn more about Autism Awareness month and how you can participate and show your support please visit Autism Society.

Join the Light It Up Blue (#LIUB) campaign in celebration of World Autism Awareness Day on April 2nd, 2015. Visit Autism Speaks Canada or Autism Speaks for more information.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

#CANFamFest Canucks Autism Network Family Festival 2015

Join me and my family on Sunday, April 12th, 2015 from 10:00am to 2:30pm at Jack Poole Plaza at the Canucks Autism Network Family Festival in celebration of Autism Awareness month!

The event will include a pledged walk, BBQ lunch, live entertainment featuring Charlotte DiamondNearly Neil (huge fan!!), an appearance by hockey legend Trevor Linden, and lots of family friendly activities!

Canucks Autism Network Family Festival

We encourage you to invite your friends, families, neighbours, and colleagues to come out in support of people living with autism in our community!

Please support the Canucks Autism Network by signing up as a fundraiser today and make an impact on the lives of individuals and families living with autism in British Columbia.

Thanks for reading,
Tanaya and Bryce

For more information about this event, to make a donation, or to sign up to fundraise click here.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


I’d like to start this year (my first post of the year at least) with a video I saw on my Facebook newsfeed wall today (shout out to Bikers For Autism for posting it!)

This video was created by Kulture City, a non profit organization with the mission to create a world where all individuals with autism and their families are accepted and treated equally.

It is the most inspirational, the most brilliant, the most amazing video that I have ever seen that supports, encourages, empowers, and emphasizes the importance of autism acceptance.

I urge you to watch it, share it, and be a champion!

Every child deserves a champion.


“Imagine if simply because your child doesn’t know how to socialize with other children, the world outcast’s your son or daughter as the wee one.

People start to whisper about you as a parent. You’re called the ‘bad parent’.

People start to ban you from children’s play dates because your child is just ‘too hard work’.

Enough eyebrows get raised about your child that you’re referred to child physiatrists or your child is placed in the fish bowl for 7 months. As all the experts stare at the strange ways that he or she moves.

If there is one thing I know for certain it is that this has to stop!

The impossible is truly possible. There are so many great stories and examples of kids who weren’t talking until they were nine, who were banging on the wall until they were 10, who are doing constructive things today.

These kids can learn. These kids can achieve. The possible is possible for them.
But we have to advocate for them.

How powerful would our world be if we had kids who were not afraid to take risks who were not afraid to think and who had a champion.

EVERY CHILD DESERVES A CHAMPION, an adult who will never give up on them!

Who understands the power of connection! And insists that they become the best that they could possibly be!”

Thanks for reading,

hero:KULTURE is a move to create acceptance in a society where children with autism have to fight for their rights. The right to be educated, to be employed, and even to be fundamentally accepted as a member of society. It is the chance for someone to step forward and be a champion for these children. Anyone can be a hero, you just have to stand up and be counted. For more information please visit

Monday, December 15, 2014


I saw this campaign online from Autism Spectrum Australia and had to share it: #aDifferentBrilliant. Watch the video below and share it if you love someone with autism!

A Different Brilliant

I am like the gentle breeze and the hidden rays of the sun, that caress and warm your skin. You know I am there because you feel me but do you see the real me? I hear things differently, The humming wings of the floating bee can sound like the roll of thunder. I seethings differently, When you sometimes see problems, I see solutions. I feel things differently, the morning songs of the birds can feel like nature’s orchestra moving the earth. I am the impossible rainbow whose colours give birth to endless shades; easy to look at, hard to define. Walk in my shoes a while and know that while those steps are mine to take, join with me and celebrate, because like you I am brilliant, I am different. I am the spectrum, a different brilliant.

Thanks for reading,

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Walking for Autism Awareness and Acceptance

Today we blew bubbles at the 7th Annual Vancouver Walk Now for Autism Speaks.

Walking for autism awareness is important to me because it’s an opportunity for me to help bring much needed attention to autism. To me, it’s not about how much money was raised for the event, it’s about being part of a community. A community that understands and supports each other.

I mean, how many people can say they got to meet Darth Vader and the Star Wars Troopers AND support autism awareness, all in the same day!

Regardless of why you walk, or who you’re walking for, we walk together. Together we bring awareness to autism and that’s important. With 1 in 68 children now diagnosed with autism, awareness is key to understanding and acceptance.

After all, isn’t that what we all want? To be accepted?

Thanks for reading,

Check out our Facebook page for more pictures of the Vancouver Walk Now for Autism Speaks event.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Bubble Blower Giveaway Colouring Contest! (CLOSED)

We’re giving away a bubble blower!

Our bubble blowers are sold out, but we saved one just for you! This contest is open to everyone!

How to enter:

1. Click on the Autism Awareness ribbon graphic below to save and print.

2. Colour it!

3. Take a picture of it or scan it, and share it on our Facebook wall or tweet it to us (be sure to tag @TweetBMHS so I’ll see it!)

Deadline: You have until 11:59pm on Tuesday, September 30th, 2014 to enter.

A winner will be selected at random and announced on our Facebook page and Twitter Wednesday, October 1st, 2014.


Thank you for helping spread Autism Awareness!

Good luck!


Monday, September 1, 2014

Please walk with us!

Join us Sunday, September 28th, 2014 at Science World, Olympic Village for the 7th Annual Vancouver Walk Now for Autism Speaks Canada! Team Bubbles Make Him Smile will be blowing bubbles to make you smile!

Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder that affects how a person interacts with their world. Autism is characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behaviour, interests', and activities.

Autism statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identify around 1 in 68 children (1 in 42 boys) as on the autism spectrum–a ten-fold increase in prevalence in 40 years.

  • This new estimate is roughly 30% higher than the estimate for 2008 (1 in 88), roughly 60% higher than the estimate for 2006 (1 in 110), and roughly 120% higher than the estimates for 2002 and 2000 (1 in 150). 
  • Autism costs a family $60,000 a year on average.
  • Boys are nearly five times more likely than girls to have autism.
  • There is no medical detection or cure for autism.

Walk Now for Autism Speaks Canada is the single most powerful event to raise critically needed funds for services, advocacy, awareness, and research to help people with autism spectrum disorder. Please join us and register today!

Vancouver Walk Now for Autism Speaks Canada

If you’d like to show your support please donate to Team Bubbles Make Him Smile! Thanks so much!

Thanks for reading,

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Together we CAN make a difference!

Saturday, April 12th, 2014 marked the 3rd Annual Canucks Autism Network (CAN) Family Festival. CAN provides year-round, innovative, high quality sports, recreational, social, and employment related programs for individuals and families living with autism, while building awareness and capacity through community networks across British Columbia. The Family Festival hosts an autism walk, live entertainment, special guests, food, and family-friendly activities!

My mom and sister joined us this year to show their support, and of course we brought our bubble blowers!

With the exception of the really long wait for food vendors, the event was a success. The weather was beautiful, the sun was shining, the atmosphere was powerful and full of love and compassion. Of course, their were a lot of bubbles!

Thank you to all the volunteers for keeping us safe on the walk and for taking the time out of your day to show your support!

Check out our Facebook page for more pictures! Oh, and if you took pictures of our bubbles please feel free to share them on our Facebook page too! :)

Special thanks to Dee, Tina, and Alex for all their love and continued support!

Thanks for reading,
Tanaya and Bryce

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Canucks Autism Network Family Festival 2014

Join us at the 3rd Annual Canucks Autism Network Family Festival on Saturday, April 12, 2014 as we celebrate Autism Awareness Month! It’s FREE!

When: Saturday, April 12, 2014 from 10:00am-2:30pm
Where: Jack Poole Plaza (Vancouver Convention Centre)
What: The day will include a fundraising walk, lighting of the cauldron, live entertainment with a special performance by the Vancouver band ODDS, a BBQ lunch provided by Moderne Burger and Dougie Dogs, and family-friendly activities including a Family Fun Zone sponsored by Ledcor with activities hosted by the Vancouver Canucks, Whitecaps FC, Vancouver Canadians, BC Lions and Seattle Seahawks!

Canucks Autism Network Family Festival 2013

We’ll bring the bubbles, you bring the smiles!

Thanks for reading and hope to see you there,

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


The seventh annual World Autism Awareness Day is April 2, 2014. Every year, autism organizations around the world celebrate the day with unique fundraising and awareness-raising events. How will you celebrate?

team bryce

Let’s make April 2014 not only a month of autism awareness, but acceptance and understanding!

Thanks for reading,
Team Bryce

Graphic made by Jr. Media Group

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

#Autism now affects 1 in 68 children

On March 27th, 2014, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued the newest autism prevalence statistics: 1 in 68 children. 1 in 42 boys.

autism 1 in 68 children

As scary as this number is, which will continue to grow, it's a blessing in disguise. To me it means more families are getting a diagnosis. Getting answers. Getting help. Increasing awareness.

As we enter April, National Autism Awareness Month, let’s continue to push and focus on autism acceptance. Our children depend on us to be the voices they may not have and the hope that they need to grow up and be part of the future.

1 in 68. The numbers don’t lie. We need to support each other now more than ever.

Thanks for reading,